Merrill's Books

Hi! It's me, Merrill :)

Welcome to Merrill’s Books!

I’m Merrill Robinson, a third-generation Texan who now calls Western New York home. My ancestors might shake their heads knowing I’m a Yankee now and a Buffalo Bills fan, but life has its twists and turns, just like a good book.

One of the most important characters in my life is my Airedale terrier, Copper. He’s been by my side through countless pages and chapters, offering furry companionship and love.

My love affair with books started early, but it wasn’t always smooth sailing. I used to prefer numbers over words, until I started falling behind in reading. Thanks to dedicated teachers who tutored me, I discovered the magic of storytelling and fell head over heels for books.

One of the series that kept me up all night reading was “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.” Last summer, I passed my copies on to a Little Free Library, hoping to spark the same love for reading in others.

In high school, my AP English teacher taught me the art of annotating books and making connections in prose. I will forever thank him for that skill because it’s a skill that has stayed with me ever since, as well as his guidance on writing.

From there, I went on to graduate from the University of Mississippi (Go Rebels!) where I pursued a major in Print Journalism. I was originally going to major in broadcast journalism, but when I had the opportunity to take a class from a Boston Globe editor, I took the chance and changed the course of my major. I also minored in English Literature, further fueling my passion for storytelling. (Holla to my professor who sported a fake British accent and really loved the Canterbury Tales!)

Why Romance Novels and WWII Historical Fiction?

Love stories have always held a special place in my heart. That’s why you’ll find most of my reviews and book lists centered around romance novels and WWII historical fiction. These genres, with their blend of love, history, and memorable characters, have a unique ability to transport readers to different times and places.

Join the Community

I created Merrill’s Books to share my love for these genres with fellow readers. This blog is not just about my recommendations; I want it to be a community where others can share their favorite books and connect over a shared love for lovable characters and heartwarming stories.

Join me on this literary journey, and together, let’s explore the world of romance novels and historical fiction, one page at a time.