Merrill's Books

Book Review: He’s Not My Type by Meghan Quinn

Book Review:

He's Not My Type by Meghan Quinn

Written by: Merrill Robinson

There’s something undeniably captivating about the world of hockey romance books, where the ice melts not just under the players’ skates but also these massive, bruiser-of-men and the sizzling dynamics of their love stories. Enter Meghan Quinn and her latest addition to this ever-exciting (and increasingly popular) genre, He’s Not My Type, proving yet again why she reigns supreme as the queen of writing romantic comedy books.

As part of the enthralling Vancouver Agitators series, this book skates a masterful line between heartwarming romance and the exhilarating world of professional hockey. Meghan Quinn books have a unique way of drawing you in, and He’s Not My Type is no exception, effortlessly combining the adrenaline of the game with the palpitations of newfound love. 

The appeal of hockey romance stories lies in their ability to juxtapose the toughness of the sport with the vulnerability of love, creating an irresistible mix that Meghan Quinn executes perfectly. As we dive into the latest escapade in The Vancouver Agitators series, let’s lace up our skates and prepare to be swept off our feet.

Let’s dive in…

Tropes of He's Not My Type by Meghan Quinn:

Now, let’s dive into the delicious reading tropes that Meghan Quinn skillfully weaves into the fabric of He’s Not My Type. First up, the irresistible allure of hockey romance. Quinn takes us on a thrilling journey through the world of the Vancouver Agitators, giving us a front-row seat to the fast-paced, adrenaline-fueled action on the ice. The hockey backdrop adds an extra layer of intensity to Halsey and Blakely’s story, making every goal and victory feel like a shared triumph for readers.

Moving on to the classic roommates-to-lovers trope. Quinn turns up the heat as Blakely finds herself moving into Halsey’s spare room, setting the stage for a tantalizing dance between two hearts drawn together by proximity and undeniable chemistry. The one bed scenario only amplifies the tension, creating those electrifying moments that make your heart race and leave you eagerly flipping through the pages.

The workplace romance element adds a dash of spice as Blakely works in VIP Relations & Marketing for the Vancouver Agitators, intertwining professional and personal dynamics in the most entertaining way. Found family takes center stage with Halsey’s teammates forming a tight-knit bond that warms the heart, offering moments of laughter and support that go beyond the romance.

And let’s not forget the emotionally unavailable hero trope – Halsey Holmes, our broken hero, initially keeps his grief hidden deep within. His emotional journey is masterfully crafted, keeping readers on the edge of their seats, craving those heart-stopping moments when he finally lets Blakely in. The grumpy/sunshine dynamic and slow burn between Halsey and Blakely adds a delightful touch, creating a perfect balance of personalities that sparks both conflict and passion.

What I loved most, though, was Halsey’s love for reading. In a world of sports and romance, his affinity for books adds a unique and endearing layer to his character. It’s a charming detail that makes him even more relatable and lovable. So, if you’re a fan of hockey romance with a blend of roommates-to-lovers, workplace dynamics, found family bonds, and a dash of slow-burn magic, He’s Not My Type checks all the boxes and then some. Meghan Quinn has truly crafted a literary symphony of tropes that will leave you cheering for more.

He’s Not My Type Meghan Quinn Synopsis:

One piece of advice: never move in together with a girl you’ve been crushing on for more than a year.

I’m sure you’re asking why I would take such a step. To be honest, I didn’t.

It’s my teammates fault.

They decided to play cupid and give me advice on how to win Blakely White over as soon as they learned she was single.

Stay away from shirts around her.

Prepare her dinner.

Lightly touch her shoulder when you say goodbye.

I lose control of the situation and make a major mistake: I offer to be her fake date for a wedding so she can make her ex jealous because I’m so overwhelmed, so flustered, and completely in love with this woman who hardly acknowledges me.

That implies that I get free reign with her for an entire evening. I get to cuddle, kiss, and dance with her. Look at her across the room as though she’s the only person in the world, because for several months now, she has been.

But as the night draws to a close, I have to decide whether to invite her back to my bedroom and tell her how I really feel, or to let her go and accept the possibility that I’m not really her type.

Emotional Journey and Spicy Scenes in He's Not My Type:

From the first page, He’s Not My Type by Meghan Quinn captured me in a whirlwind of emotion, seamlessly intertwining humor with a palpable emotional journey that left me clutching my heart. The balance between laughter and the deep, raw moments Meghan Quinn crafts in this hockey romance book is akin to watching the most elegant dance on ice. It’s a testament to her skill in the genre. The spicy scenes? Oh, they didn’t just make the pages smoke; they set the entire book on fire. 

Without giving too much away, let’s just say Halsey’s quiet intensity breaks free in the most surprising ways – always the quiet ones, huh? But it’s not just about those sizzling moments. It’s about growth, grief, and finding joy in unexpected places. The journey Meghan Quinn takes us on with Halsey and Blakely is beautifully multifaceted, a shining example of why the Vancouver Agitators series has captured the hearts of so many. Each scene, whether filled with banter, steam, or silent understanding, contributes to a rich tapestry that defines what makes a Meghan Quinn book so irresistible.

"With one look, she brought me back to life." quote by Meghan Quinn in He's Not Type.

Merrill's Takeaway of He's Not My Type:

Have you ever stumbled upon a book series that just feels like coming home? That’s exactly the heartwarming sensation the Vancouver Agitators series evokes, but specifically He’s Not My Type, especially for us fans of hockey romance books. Meghan Quinn has this uncanny ability to blend ice-cold rinks with the warmth of human connection, making us fall head over skates with every turn of the page. It’s no wonder we’re collectively swooning – and not just because Meghan Quinn men are so delectable I could eat them up, but because the story is just that good and that heartfelt.

And let’s talk about He’s Not My Type —Meghan Quinn’s latest addition to this captivating series. It’s not just another hockey romance; it’s a masterful blend of humor, heartache, and the kind of steamy scenes that leave you clutching your pearls and your heart – helllooooo, dirty mouth! This book, much like its predecessors in the series, is anchored by profoundly relatable characters—people with depth, flaws, and aspirations so vivid, you can’t help but see a bit of yourself in them. Their engaging storylines weave through themes of love, loss, and the relentless pursuit of happiness both on and off the ice.

It’s the way Meghan Quinn is able to mirror our vulnerabilities in her books, stories and triumphs that hooks us. The Vancouver Agitators series, with He’s Not My Type shining bright among them, continues to captivate us, offering a rare blend of adrenaline-pumping hockey action and soul-stirring romance that’s just impossible to resist. I mean, Halsey pined after Blakely for over a year, people! What is more swoon worthy than a hot, brooding hockey player keeping a secret crush to himself and then going out of his way to tell her she looks beautiful? Nothing, that’s what. Meghan Quinn, through her exceptional storytelling, reminds us of the power of love in all its forms—making this series a must-read for fans of hockey romance books.

Blakely, the female main character (FMC) is such a girls-girl, and I couldn’t help but fall in love with her. She’s the kind of gal that you want in your friend group because she’s the ultimate supportive friend that will always lift you up. Thats why, when I finished the book, I truly felt like I was saying goodbye to a good friend. Hell, all the characters have left a mark on my heart and saying goodbye to the world of the Vancouver Agitators series felt like parting with old friends.

​​By the time I turned the final page of He’s Not My Type by Meghan Quinn, I was already deeply nostalgic. It’s this profound connection, intricately woven by Quinn’s captivating narrative and dynamic characters, that makes her books more than just stories—they’re emotional journeys we’re loath to leave behind. As I mull over Halsey and Blakely’s rollercoaster romance, I realize that Meghan Quinn has done something extraordinary with her hockey romance books, blending humor, steam, and heart-tugging moments seamlessly.

What stands out about He’s Not My Type and indeed, all of Meghan Quinn’s books, is the undeniable human touch. Quinn has a way of capturing the essence of love, loss, and longing in a manner that feels both extraordinary and intimately familiar. The Vancouver Agitators series, with its relatable characters and engaging storylines, exemplifies this. Each book, including Halsey and Blakely’s love story, is a testament to Quinn’s ability to explore the depths of human connection, making us laugh, cry, and cheer all at once.

For fans of the genre and newcomers alike, delving into the world crafted by Meghan Quinn offers an unforgettable experience. From the first encounter to the last whistle, the journey is filled with moments that resonate, entertain, and profoundly move. He’s Not My Type and the entire Vancouver Agitators series are shining examples of romance done right, urging you to explore not just this book but others by Meghan Quinn for more captivating tales of love that defies odds. Trust me, these stories are the kind you’ll want to revisit, each reading uncovering new layers of emotion and intricacy.

Be sure to read my review of the rest of The Vancouver Agitators Series:

Also, be sure to check out my blog post on the reading order for The Vancouver Agitators Series.

Favorite Quotes:

“Books have been my escape when I feel the world closing in on me.”

“Christ, that smile. Like a goddamn warm hug on a cold day.”

“Sherman has been replaced. Posey stupidly said he feels more attached and bonded to the new one. I punched him after that comment.”

“You mean so much to us, to this team, to this world. You’re supposed to be here. You’re here for a reason, and never forget that.”

“You are worthy of this life, of this air I share with you, of this love we feel. You are worthy of it all.”

“But if I’ve learned one thing through such devastating loss, it’s that the sun still rises the next day. And the day after that. Life continues its motion. Waiting for your return.”

“With one look, she brought me back to life.”

“I told myself I’d hold off on wearing form-fitting clothes on game days, but here I am, in a dress bound to rip if you score again.”

“He has a boyish charm with a devil’s body. Really hot…not sure I’d describe him like that. It’s too simple of a word. He’s more than hot. He’s handsome with an edge. Attractive with a heart. A combination of both, which I know would be devastating to anyone willing to place their heart in his standoffish hands”

“‘Not everyone can magically fall in love with Pacey.’ Hornsby complains. ‘Love ins’t always perfect all at once. You have to earn it.'”

“Will I ever stop getting butterflies whenever I see her? Probably not. I’m doomed.”

“‘And he has the cutest name for his tree too, don’t you?'”

“‘He’s grieving, Blakely, and slightly broken…I just want you to be careful. You’re hurting; he’s hurting. I think it could be a recipe for disaster.'”

“Self-induced camel tow is never comfortable.”

“Who would have though such a giant man–six foot four, to be exact–would be such a cinnamon roll.”

“I’m not the same person since I lost Holden. He was…he was my other half. I won’t ever be the same person, but I’m wasting away a life he could have had.”

“I’ve never been into plants, but sure, Sherman is kind of cool. Am I attached like Posey? No, but I can see the interest there. The thing is interesting to look at.”

“Why does he have to make things so complicated? I swear to God, when you work with Posey, you need to be prepared for an extra step in everything you do, including talking about it.”

“She turns toward me, her eyes connecting with mine, and fucking hand to heart, I feel this jolt of possession rock through me so fucking hard that I have to catch my breath, I cant tell you the last time I felt something like this.”

“Ninety-five percent of the grandma population has breasts that are neighbors with their belly buttons, but we don’t talk about it. Those boobs have seen things . . . respect their journey.”

“It’s okay to stay in that darkness for a while. It’s okay to grieve your loss. Live the pain. Mourn. But then, when you can, it’s time to climb out. When you can, it’s time to look at every element of your life and see that there is still joy in it.”

“I feel light. I feel safe. I feel like she was brought into my life for a reason.”

“And if you’re really lucky, you might find a love that reached deep inside, finds the pain-filled hole, and holds it.  Shares it with you. Carries it.”



About Meghan Quinn:

#1 Amazon and USA Today Bestselling Author, wife, adoptive mother, and peanut butter lover. Author of romantic comedies and contemporary romance, Meghan Quinn brings readers the perfect combination of heart, humor, and heat in every book.

Check out Meghan Quinn’s newest releases and updates on her website.

portrait of the author Meghan Quinn